Composite White Fillings

No more silver fillings

Cavities happen. We can help!

Composite White Fillings

When decay rots away enamel, it creates a cavity. Left untreated, this decay can cause extensive tooth damage and potential root infection. If caught early, your dentist can treat it with a simple filling, typically in one appointment.

  • Local Anesthetic: Ensures a pain-free experience.
  • Decay Removal: Specialized tools are used to remove decay.
  • Filling Application: Layers of filling are applied to prevent further decay and protect the tooth from cold, heat, or pressure.
  • Hardening: Each layer is hardened with a special light.
  • Shaping and Polishing: Final layers are shaped and polished to restore the tooth’s appearance and function.

Composite (plastic resin) is the modern filling material of choice, superior to the silver amalgam fillings commonly used in the past. Here’s why:

  • Mercury-Free: Unlike silver amalgam, composite fillings contain no mercury.
  • Reduced Cracking and Sensitivity: Composite material expands and contracts less than silver amalgam, reducing the risk of cracks and sensitivity to heat and cold.
  • Aesthetic Match: Composite material closely matches the tooth color, making fillings nearly invisible.
  • Durability: Composite fillings are strong and long-lasting.
  • Safe and Biocompatible: Composite resin is safe and biocompatible, making it a healthier option.
  • Versatile: Ideal for both small and large fillings.
Composite white fillings are an excellent choice for treating cavities, ensuring your teeth remain healthy and look natural. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.